The Holy Quran :
the fountainhead of all theoretical prescriptions and canonical legislation
Dr. A F M Khalid Hossain
Al-Quran is the word of Allah which was revealed to Hadrat Mohammad (SAW), the last and final prophet, piecemeal over a period of twenty three years of his prophetic career by Gibrail (AS) as the torch bearer for the welfare in this world and in the Hereafter with its great message for the emancipation of the human race. Al-Quran- the Book of Allah in which is preserved the Divine revelation unalloyed by human interpolation of any kind. All previous scriptures revealed to the Prophet Adam (AS) to Isa (AS) except the four, have now been untraced and their contents unknown to the people.1 In this regard the remarks of Dr. Maurice Bucaille, an expert of the Bible deserves special mention-
“Different versions of the same description can be found in the Old Testament, as well as contradictions, historical errors, improbabilities and incompatibilities with firmly established scientific data. The Gospel contains very few passages, which give rise to a confrontation with modern scientific data. The Quran, while inviting us to cultivate science, itself contains many observations on natural phenomena and includes explanatory details, which are seen to be in total agreement with modern scientific data. There is no equal to this in the Judeo-Christian Revelation. Everything connected with modern science, like many subjects dealt with in the Quran, scattered throughout the book without any semblance of classification. Everything in the Quran is explained in simple terms, which are easily understandable to man, and in strict accordance with what was to be discovered much later on. Thanks to its undisputed authenticity, the text of the Quran holds a unique place among the books of Revelation, shared neither by the Old nor the New Testament. In the case of the Old Testament the sheer number of authors who tell the same story, plus all the revisions carried out on the text of certain books from the pre-Christian era, constitute as many reasons for inaccuracy and contradiction.” 2
But unfortunately the Rabbis and Priests of Holy Prophet Musa (Moses), Daud (David) and Isa (Jesus) Alaihimussalam made willy nilly ulteration and interpolation in the Taurah (the Pentateuch), the Zabur (the Psalms) and the Injil (the Gospel), though there might possibly be some part of the true word of Allah their in.3 According to Al-Bayan, the original text of Pentateuch revealed to Moses (AS) was lost before the time of Prophet Solaiman (AS).4 The elders of religion have amalgamated their fictitious thought with the revealed subjects to such an extent that it has been quite impossible to differentiate the original from the spurious.5 The authority of the present copies of the old and New Testaments are not unquestionable at all as the devotees attributed to Allah a son and begot Trinity. 6 But it is the admitted fact that the Holy Quran has been preserved intact word by word and line by line and has not undergone any change through the ages since the time of its Revelation till the present day. It is the ardent proof of the Divinity of the Quran, which distinguishes it from almost all other Scriptures of ancient times. The Judeo-Christian scholars of the west are unequivocal on this point. 7 William Muir, in spite of his biased attitude, maintains that there is probable in the world no other work which has remained twelve centuries with so pure a text. 8
The Quran is the essence of all the divine messages previously sent to mankind by Allah through the Prophet (SAW) from time to time when it deems necessary. It abounds in moral suggestions, noble precepts, and historical evidences in a fragmentary construction of words, which embodies a framework for the conduct of human affairs. It contains explicit criteria for judging between right and wrong and principles for the individual and collective conduct of men and women. The rules adumbrated therein are helpful and suitable for common men in any of the incidents of life for all ages. In it there are warnings for mankind who will float these principles will invite eternal doom in the next life and there are promise of guidance and support for those who seek Allah’s help. Al-Quran presents a path the straight path ( الصراط المستقيم ) which, when followed, revolutionizes life and leads to the establishment of an order based on truth, justice, virtue and goodness. 9
- Sayyid Sulaiman Nadwi, Khutbat-i-Madras, p.36
- Dr. Maurice Bucaillee, The Quran and Modern Science, pp.48, 79, 106, 114. 115, 119, 176
- Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi, The Final Prophet and the Perfection of Religion, p.13.
- Abdul Hoque Haqqani, Al-Bayan, An introduction to the commentary of the Quran, p.657
- Ibid, p.689; Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol. iii, pp.140, 589,590.
- Bosworth Smith, Mohammad and Mohammadanism, p.19; Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, vol. vii, p.263.
- Laura Veccia Baglieri, Apologie de L’ Islamisme, pp. 57-59; Basanta Coomer Bose, Mohammadanism, p.4; Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol. vi, pp.608-609
- William Muir, The Life of Muhammad, intro, p.xxi.
- Salem Azzam, Islam and Contemporary Society, p.257.